Angola Attends Annual Agro-Mashov International Exhibition

Luanda — An Angolan multi-sector delegation traveled Saturday (03) to Tel Aviv, Israel, to participate in the 31st Annual Agro-Mashov International Exhibition at Jerusalem's International Convention Center (Binianei Haumá) on 5 and 6 September.

The event will allow the country to strengthen trade relations, establish new contacts and get in touch with innovations and technological developments.

The event is part of the strategy to increase exports and entry into Kosher markets.

The programme includes special sessions and conferences on topics related to the agricultural world, with the participation of hundreds of exhibitors, and thousands of farmers.

Angola is represented by a delegation that include senior staff from the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX).

Also more than a dozen private producers will show the country's agricultural potential in Israel.

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