Angola: Tocoist Bishop Calls On Angolans to Unite

Luanda — The bishop of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the World (Tocoist), Dom Afonso Nunes, appealed Sunday to Angolans to unite regardless of their political ideology and religious beliefs.

The cleric made the appeal during a thanksgiving service to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the return to Angola of the prophet Simão Toco, after 11 years of exile in the Azores island, Portugal.

According to Bishop Afonso Nunes, all Angolans should have a spirit of solidarity, concord, brotherhood and harmony to contribute to the development of the country.

"Whoever governs with hatred will be overthrown with hatred, just as whoever tries to reach power with hatred will be treated the same way", the bishop said.

To the religious leader, Angola must learn to listen to the prophetic voice if it really wants to develop itself, underscoring the need for people to be acquainted with the true history of the country.

He regretted the fact that many citizens do not know the history of the country, including facts like who was the precursor of the fight for independence.

The Tocoist Church is a partner of the Angolan state that has been making contributions with social actions, with emphasis on the education and health sectors.

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