Kenya, Djibouti and Tanzania - Facts and Figures June 2022

press release

During the reporting period, activities of the regional delegation of the ICRC in Nairobi continued generally according to plan. However, with worsening food insecurity in Kenya due to the drought, the organization launched an emergency response with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), reaching over 40,000 people with food and other forms of assistance by the end of June.

In all three countries, ICRC continued to work hand in hand with national Red Cross or Red Crescent partners. The joint focus of this collaboration remained on the restoration of family links (RFL) for migrants in Djibouti with Djibouti Red Crescent Society (DRCS), and for refugees in Tanzania with Tanzanian Red Cross Society (TRCS) and in Kenya with the KRCS.

In Kenya, regular programs continued aimed at strengthening the resilience of violence-affected communities living in the coastal and north-eastern region, and at working with prison authorities to ensure humane conditions for prisoners. In addition, increased preparedness actions were conducted jointly with the KRCS in anticipation of Kenya's general elections held in August 2022.

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