Angola: Vladimir Putin Congratulates João Lourenço On Re-Election

Luanda — Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated his Angolan counterpart João Lourenço on his victory in the general elections held on 24 August.

In a letter reached ANGOP this Monday, Vladimir Putin highlights that Russian-Angolan relations are based on "ancient traditions of friendship and mutual respect".

The Russian President hopes that João Lourenço's new term will continue "to contribute to the development of constructive bilateral cooperation in several areas", in response to the interests of our peoples" he said.

In the letter, Vladimir Putin underlines that the good relations between the two countries lead to "strengthening security and stability on the African continent".

Nicaragua remembers partnership with Angola

The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, recalls that Angola and his country are "united, as peoples of the south, by indelible ties of sacrifices, heroism, struggles and victories of great peoples, who left and continue to leave teachings, learning and that they are an inspiration to free peoples".

In a congratulatory message to President João Lourenço on his victory in the general elections, Daniel Ortega salutes the winning party, the MPLA, and the entire Angolan people.

The President of Nicaragua wishes João Lourenço much success, in what he considers to be a "difficult moment" that humanity faces, concluding his message by stressing that "the struggle continues and the victories are certain".

The MPLA won the general elections with 51.17 percent of the votes (3.2 million votes), followed by UNITA with 43.95%, resulting from 2. 7 million votes.

MPLA won 124 MPs in the National Assembly, while UNITA 90 MPs.

Three other political parties, the FNLA, the PRS and the PHA, each elected two MPs.

The Angolan Parliament comprises 220 seats.

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