Uganda: NRM UK and Ireland Chapter Elects New Leaders

7 September 2022

The Steering Committee of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland chapter has organised and held the Chapter's first ever election, in which NRM members in the diaspora branch voted in new leadership.

The election was held on on Saturday, 3 September 2022.

At least 200 eager Chapter members gathered at Hackney Marshes, Homerton Road, Hackney, to participate in the election process, some as voters and others as candidates for elective positions.

The Function

Robert Basiima, a councillor at the Uganda High Commission, represented the High Commissioner of Uganda to the United Kingdom, the event's Guest of Honor, while other High Commission staff members showed up as expected.


The candidates had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the members and run a brief campaign.

Members of the gathering partied well into the evening while enjoying a lot of food and drinks at the function.

The Election

Despite efforts by some members of the "old guard" to postpone the election, the Steering Committee, with the cooperation and direction of the NRM Secretariat, carried out a fruitful voter registration drive that resulted in the registration of over 200 members.

The database team adhered to the UK's General Data Protection Regulations by using the most recent technology and expertise to collect just the right amount of personal information and safeguard it in a privately secured database. On election day, the voters had access to the voter's register, which had been derived from the database.

Voting took place physically at the location, and the electoral committee first checked the voter's identification. No one was allowed to vote without ID verification.

Electronic voting was also offered, but only to registered voters who resided outside of London and were unable to participate in person or those who were abroad. To prevent fraud, electronic voting was strictly enforced.

Typically, 80% of those who were registered to vote supported democratic leadership for the Chapter.

Election Oversight

According to Article 11 of the NRM Constitution, the Director of External Affairs, Major (Rtd) Pollar Awich, was supposed to be present but was unable to make it to London in time. As a result, he delegated the authority to Miriam Otengo, the Head of Tourism and Commercial Diplomacy at the Ugandan High Commission in the UK.

Otengo oversaw the election with the help of the electoral committee. It was carried out in two stages, starting with members electing the Executive Committee, who then established various cells and offices in accordance with Articles 22 and 25 of the NRM Constitution to aid in mobilisation and the discharge of the Chapter's mandate.

The following people were elected to the Executive Committee:

1. Allan Olara - Chairman

2. Moses Kasiibayo - Vice/Deputy Chairman

3. Barbara Kamukama - Vice chairperson for Women Affairs

4. Peninnah Kensheeka - Vice chairperson for Business & Investment

5. Nicholas Safi Angurini - Vice chairperson for Immigration, Consular & Home Affairs

6. Caesar Kalema - General Secretary

7. Perez Nabaasa - Secretary for Finance

8. Patrick Mugisha - Chief Whip

9. Kennedy Javuru - Publicity/Spokesperson

10. Moses Mulimira - Secretary for Health & PWDs

11. Caleb Nahabwe - Secretary for Media & Digital Communications

12. Jocelyn Karungi - Secretary for Mobilisation

13. Pastor Elly Muwanguzi Kironde - Secretary for Community, Sports & Religion Affairs

14. Dennis Asingwire - Secretary for Youth Affairs

15. Betty Laika Shereed - Secretary for Ireland

16. Buga Shakur - Secretary for Scotland

17. Anitta Asiimwe - Secretary for Wales

18. Charity Baira Opolot - Committee Member - General Duties

19. Job Bamwesigye - Committee Member - General Duties

20. Eric Kakore - Committee Member - General Duties

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