Rwanda: France Drops Investigation Into Soldiers' Complicity in Rwandan Genocide

The names of some of the victims of the Rwandan genocide on a wall at the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Kigali, Rwanda, March 4, 2019. Though only about 800 names are displayed, the memorial, which is only one of nearly 200 memorials around the country, has approximately 250,000 victims buried there. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Timothy Moore)
7 September 2022

Investigating magistrates found no evidence that French troops were complicit in crimes against humanity during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

French magistrates dropped a case against French peacekeepers accused of being complicit in a massacre during Rwanda's genocide.

They found nothing that would point to the "direct participation of French military forces in abuses committed in refugee camps, nor any complicity in helping or assisting genocide forces," the French Public Prosecutor's office said in a statement.

France deployed thousands of troops in Rwanda in 1994 when ethnic Hutu extremists targeted members of the minority Tutsi community and slaughtered about 800,000 people in just 100 days.

France's role in the genocide

Survivors accused French troops of deliberately abandoning them to Hutu extremists in the hills of Bisesero in western Rwanda.

Prosecutors opened a criminal investigation into possible complicity in crimes against humanity in December 2005

However, the magistrates overseeing the case have opted against proceeding with a trial for the soldiers.

Last year during a visit to Rwanda, French President Emmanuel Macron admitted French responsibility for the genocide.

Macron said that France did not listen to those who warned it about the impending massacre in Rwanda and stood de facto by a genocidal regime.

However, France "was not an accomplice" to the genocide, Macron added.

His statements echoed the findings of an independent commission of historians, which absolved France of direct complicity but blamed it for failing to foresee the slaughter.

(AFP, Reuters)

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