Angola: Elections2022 - Botswana Congratulates João Lourenço for Re-Election As President

Luanda — The Head of State of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Masisi, on Thursday congratulated his Angolan counterpart, Joao Lourenço, on his re-election as President of the Republic.

In a congratulatory message, the Botswana President expressed the conviction that his re-election reflects the trust of Angolan people in João Lourenço´s leadership and in the party of which he is the head of the list, the MPLA.

In his letter, Mokgweetsi Masisi praised the government and people of Angola for holding peaceful and free elections.

The Botswana president re-stated his country´s commitment to continue working with Angola on a bilateral, regional and international levels,

According to the document, these are the efforts to find solutions to the challenges facing the region and the continent, with a view to strengthening the ties of friendship and cooperation existing between both countries.

Finally, the Botswana President wished his Angolan counterpart good health and success in his new five-year term at the helm of the country.

According to data from the National Electoral Commission (CNE), MPLA won the general elections with 51.17%, followed by UNITA with 43.95%.

With these results, MPLA gained 124 MPs and UNITA 90, while the FNLA, PRS and PHA elected two MPs each.

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