Tanzania: Majaliwa Warns Against Misuse of Public Funds

PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has urged authorities at all levels to properly handle public funds, which are essential for carrying out numerous development projects.

He emphasized that the government will not accept any governmental official misusing taxpayer money.

"Let's continue to manage revenue collection electronically, starting at the council level, in order to obtain funds for the implementation of various initiatives for the citizens who must serve them on a daily basis. We are all accountable for this duty," he remarked.

The Premier made the remarks on Thursday while speaking to a number of Tabora Region leaders at the Isike Mwanakiyungi hall during a two-day working tour of the area.

Mr Majaliwa has taken advantage of the occasion to remind council officials that they are responsible for overseeing revenue collection and that any available monies must be promptly remitted to the bank.

Since these are public funds, he observed, "We have the responsibility to utilise them explicitly for the realisation of the people's development initiatives as soon as the collected revenue is taken to the bank. Existing laws, regulations, and processes must be used for this purpose,"

Similar to this, the Prime Minister emphasized to the leaders of all councils not to use agents to collect taxes without contracts. "President Samia Suluhu Hassan wants to see management in every sector reinforced,"

Mr Majaliwa added that while President Samia is adamant about public employees serving the public, everything they do in their jurisdictions must adhere to professional standards. "Our President has expressed these intentions."

"My fellow leaders, it is imperative that you educate the public about all the projects you implement in your communities, including the funding you get for their execution. Leaders make sure that their team members schedule a time to visit people, particularly those who live in rural areas and hear their concerns," he said

During the 2021/2022 fiscal year council recorded a new history in revenue collection by raising 888.7bn/- in the levy, the highest amount ever collected in the past ten years.

The amount collected is equivalent to 103 per cent of the target which was pegged at 863.9bn/-.

The level of tax collection has never been attained in the preceding ten years because councils have never achieved their annual goals by 100 per cent.

On development expenditure, he said, analysis of information on the use of local revenue funds for the financial year 2021/22, shows that councils have spent 297.7bn/- in implementing development projects equal to 43 per cent of unwring fenced revenue which is 689.5bn/-, and three councils have spent 60 per cent or more of the amount of unwring fenced revenue, 42 councils have spent between 40 to 59 per cent and 139 councils have spent less than 40 per cent.

The Prime Minister also inspected the development of the Tabora Municipal Council office building, which is being constructed by a grant from the Central Government at a cost of 5.73bn/-.

The Director of the Municipality, Dr Peter Nyanja, informed the Prime Minister about the project and stated that in addition to the building being utilised as offices for several Municipality Departments, it would also become a joint service delivery centre for investors and banking services.

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