Tanzania: Upcountry, Cross Border Buses Allowed At Private Stops but ...

Upcountry and cross border bus operators have been allowed to take and drop passengers from verified private bus stops with the condition that they must enter the public owned Magufuli Bus Terminal at Mbezi Luis in Dar es Salaam for the Ubungo Municipal Council to collect revenue.

Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, Amos Makalla made the announcement after a joint meeting which brought together officials from the Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA) and owners of private bus stands held in the city.

"Those who have established private bus stands must adhere to procedures that were set and are required to obtain permits from LATRA after meeting stipulated criteria," RC Makalla said.

He said a total of five private owned bus stations have been approved for the service and advised other operators who wish to establish their facilities to contact LATRA for permit requirements.

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