Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Is the Only Party Which Fought for the Liberation of Zimbabwe - Mnangagwa

11 September 2022

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has hit back at the main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa who recently said the ruling party should stop personalising the liberation struggle because it was for all Zimbabweans.

Mnangagwa has said ruling Zanu PF is the only party which fought for the democracy of this country.

Addressing his party supporters in Masvingo recently Chamisa said the liberation struggle was for all Zimbabweans not only Zanu PF.

However addressing his supporters Saturday at the inaugural War Veterans League elective congress Mnangagwa dismissed Chamisa's remarks.

"Zanu-PF is the only party which fought for the liberation and democracy of this country, through you, our war veterans.

"We are the only Party with people centered policies, programmes and projects. We are the party which is delivering a better quality of life that is leaving no one and no place behind, step by step, brick upon brick, stone upon stone," Mnangagwa said.

Mnangagwa added: "All the people of our great country are welcome. Tose tinokwana muhomwe ye ZANU PF. No person or place should be left behind.

"Just as it takes iron to sharpen iron, it is our duty as the War Veterans to complement efforts that ensure all Party members, new and old alike, are ideologically well-grounded, patriotic and loyal.Vasingazive, ngavadzidziswe/ abangaziyo kaba- fundiswe.

"We brought about democracy and independence, against all the odds. As war veterans, we should equally help inspire our society towards the realisation of a modern society characterised by broad-based empowerment and prosperity for all."

Meanwhile Mnangagwa called for the War Veterans to shun political violence as we head towards next year's election.

"I call upon the War Veterans, other wings of the party and the nation as a whole to jealously safeguard, preserve and promote the enduring peace, unity and stability within our country.

"As we move closer to the holding of the Harmonised General Elections, let us all ensure that our people say; no to violence; no to hate speech; and no to the denigration of our beloved motherland, Zimbabwe," he said.

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