Sudan: Darfur Man Tortured Then Charged With Defamation Over Facebook Post

11 September 2022

Zalingei — A 22-year-old man named Seifeldin Adam Ahmed was arrested, tortured, and charged with defamation over a Facebook post by Sudanese authorities in the Central Darfur capital ofZalingei, on Wednesday.

Ahmed was reportedly arrested in front if the of Zalingei university by a group of police detectives in the morning and taken to the Zalingei Police Station. According to reports, while traveling to the police station, he was beaten by the officers who used the butt of their guns and also stamped on him with their heavy boots.

He was then moved to a newly built government building nearby, where he was tortured and racially berated by the officers.

Following this, he was later taken back to Zalingei Police Station, where the police detectives released Ahmed on bond at five o'clock the same day.

Ahmed was charged with defamation under article 159 of Sudanese Penal Code, due to his Facebook post about four Christians who were arrested and charged with apostasy in Zalingei, following a police raid into their church.

Before his release Ahmed was threatened over his large following on Facebook. The detective reportedly told Ahmed that his 'popularity would cost him'.

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