Angola: Belarus Interested in Strengthening Cooperation With Angola

Luanda — Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko expressed his country's intention to strengthen cooperation with Angola, with focus on commercial, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian fields.

In a note made public this Monday, Alexander Lukashenko congratulates the President of Angola, João Lourenço, on his re-election, following the general elections of 24 August.

Belarus president hopes that the voting results clearly confirm the high level of confidence in the Nation, towards the development of the country.

Lukashenko also said he hopes that the relations of friendship and mutual respect, which represent the foundation of the interaction between Belarus and Angola in the last century, will contribute to unlocking the full potential of bilateral cooperation between Minsk and Luanda, in the commercial, economic, scientific, technical, cultural, humanitarian and other domains.

The final results of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), validated by the Constitutional Court, gave victory to the MPLA, with 51.17% of the votes, which allow to elect the President of the Republic João Lourenço, the Vice-President Esperança Costa, as well as 124 MPs to the National Assembly.

Angola held its fifth elections on August 24, after those conducted in 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017.

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