Angola: TAAG, Boeing Reach Agreement On Pending Financial Issues

Luanda — Angolan airline (TAAG) and the US construction company Boeing - the main supplier of the aircraft to the national flag company, reached an agreement on the resolution of financial disputes, paving the way for cooperation in terms of supplying aircraft in the future.

In its press note reached ANGOP Sunday, the company states that after a long and complex negotiation held, since the TAAG's new Board took office, the two entities reached an agreement on (undisclosed) amount.

They also agreed on method of payment of pending financial issues, generated, among others, during the pandemic period that affected the companies' activity airlines globally and worsened the debt to suppliers.

This agreement updates some premises of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the parties, meeting TAAG's interests in obtaining a adjustment of the pricing of services more favourable and in line with the current context of the commercial aviation market at an international level.

The company states that, in a global way, this understanding reinforces TAAG's international credibility and is a clear sign that it is active in the market, open to dialogue with all stakeholders.

"TAAG highlights Boeing's spirit of openness and collaborative attitude throughout this process and we appreciate the support given to the implementation of our aircraft recovery strategy and fleet reinforcement planning", said Eduardo Fairen, President of TAAG's Executive Committee.

TAAG - Angola Airlines, founded in 1938, currently offers 14 domestic and 12 international destinations.

In addition to passenger transport, its fleet also carries out cargo transport, a service that is increasingly essential for the development of the local ecosystem.

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