Namibia: 'Cops Are Tipping Off Drug Dealers'

14 September 2022

HARDAP police crime investigations coordinator, deputy commissioner Eric Clay says the police are aware that some police officers warn drug dealers when operations against them are planned.

"We are aware of some officers are conniving with drug lords to act as their agents and to tip them off when operations are planned. Some are known to us and we are in the process of conducting an in-depth investigation. It's just a matter of time before we arrest them with prima facie evidence," he said.

He warned those dealing drugs to stop.

"It is just a matter of time before we catch up to you. I want to appeal to you to stop and instead join the police to root out drugs," said Clay.

The Hardap police conduct drug operations on a daily basis.

Between January and 13 September 2022, the police confiscated drugs worth N$763 100, which includes cannabis, cocaine and Mandrax.

During the period, 89 people were arrested in connection with drug offences.

"Our region was known to be a transit route for drugs previously but lately the picture has changed. From our successes, one can see it is no longer just a transit route but drugs are actually in our region," he said.

Drugs confiscated by the police in the past year were destroyed on Tuesday. This includes cannabis valued at N$260 750, skunk worth N$84 850, Mandrax worth N$14 460, cocaine valued at N$1 200, and counterfeit cigarettes valued at N$8 800.

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