Angola: National Assembly Registers New Members

Luanda — National Assembly (AN) is carrying out the registration of the MPs elected in the general elections of 24 August, 2022.

This is a mandatory procedural procedure, started Tuesday (13) and going until Wednesday, during which the members elected for this V legislature of the National Assembly must conduct the "registration of their data".

Those conducted their registration on Tuesday received several documents related to basic parliamentary legislation and all the information for their effective participation in the Angolan Parliament.


The current secretary general of the Parliament Pedro Agostinho de Neri told the press that the registration of data on elected MPs is a mandatory procedure, to be complemented with an initiation seminar for legislators of the V legislature.

During the seminar, he added, the parliamentarians will learn about various matters on the "Organic Structure and Functioning of Parliament, the Legislative Process, Parliamentary Ethics and Decorum, Protocol, MPs and the Media", among others.

In addition to MPLA MPs, especially Carolina Cerqueira, the future Speaker of the AN, Florbela Malaquias, from the Humanist Party of Angola (PHA), and Justino Pinto de Andrade, elected by UNITA's list, showed up for registration on Tuesday.

In the new legislature, going until 2027, the MPLA will occupy 124 seats, followed by UNITA with 90, while the PRS, FNLA and PHA with two each.

According to the final results, released by the National Electoral Commission (CNE) and upheld by the Constitutional Court (TC), MPLA and its candidate for President of the Republic, João Lourenço, won the 24 elections with 51.17 percent of the votes (a majority absolute).

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