Angola Participates in 77th Session of the UN General Assembly

Luanda — Angola participates in the work of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly open, Tuesday (13), under the presidency of the representative of the Group of Eastern European States, the Hungarian Csaba Korosi.

At the session, the Angolan delegation is led by the Permanent Representative of the country's Mission to the UN in New York, Maria de Jesus Ferreira. The delegation includes the Permanent Delegate of Angola to the UNESCO Offices in Paris, Ana Maria de Oliveira and senior officials of the respective diplomatic representations.

In his inaugural address, the president of the 77th session of the General Assembly recalled that the mission of the International

Community is to unite when there are differences and to build bridges when there are deep divisions.

He noted that the General Assembly hall is a place to build trust, bring peace and security, development and human rights.

On his part, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said that the world faces a period in which it is important to work to promote peace, human rights and sustainable development. The Secretary-General emphasized that the 77th session must be a moment of transformation for people and the planet.

The work of the 77th session of the General Assembly takes place under the theme: "A watershed moment: transforming solutions for interconnected challenges".

The General Assembly is the main deliberative, political and representative body of the UN. Its objective is to define the

Organization's policies.

The body also has the mission of promoting multilateral discussion on international issues. Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has equal voting rights.

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