Angola: Elections 2022 - Civil Society in Zaire Wants More Inclusive Governance

Mbanza Kongo — Members of civil society in the Municipality of Mbanza Kongo, northern Zaire Province, are calling for more inclusive governance, closer to the citizens, by the new Executive to be formed in the coming days, based on the results of the 24 August general elections.

On Tuesday, citizens in Zaire said to ANGOP that they hope that the new government will continue to invest seriously in economic and social growth, as well as in the harmonious development of the entire national territory.

Likewise, they consider it essential to put an end to the regional asymmetries that delay the development of some regions of the country to the detriment of others. The coordinator of the nucleus of traditional authorities of Mbanza Kongo, Afonso Mendes, expressed the

desire to see implemented the promises contained in the manifesto of the winning party (MPLA), presented to the electorate.

The chieftain wants the new government to base its action on balanced development of the national territory and on the strengthening of state institutions. "We want to see the new government serving all provinces in an equal and balanced way, so that harmonious economic growth take place, which contributes to social harmony", he emphasised.

The provincial secretary of the Kimbanquista Church, João da Costa, defended the continued preservation of peace and political stability, as a guarantee for the country's multifaceted development.

He pointed to the completion of social projects in the region, launched in the past mandate, as the main task of the new government, as well as the rehabilitation and construction of roads and other infrastructures in the fields of education and health.

On his turn, political scientist Lema Kamalandua said he hoped for a governance closer to the populations, for the promotion of social housing, the rehabilitation of the national road network and access to the interior of Zaire province, among other structuring actions.

He alos wished that work will be carried out for the effective dignification of the historic center of Mbanza Kongo, inscribed in UNESCO's list of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, on July 8, 2017.

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