Angola: Elections2022 - National Police Reaffirm Readiness, Public Order

Luanda — The National Police (PN) on Tuesday reaffirmed readiness to ensure public order during the investiture ceremony of the President of the Republic and the Vice-President, to be held next Thursday (15) in Luanda.

According to the Commander General of the National Police, Arnaldo Carlos, who was speaking to the press, in the scope of the demonstration of forces of the Interior Ministry (MININT), the staff are mobilized to ensure the maintenance of order and public tranquillity.

Arnaldo Carlos said that over 80,000 MININT officers have been mobilized, and called on citizens to refrain from acts that disturb public order and security.

The official also stressed that the National Police is concerned about the rates of promotion of acts of incitement to commit vandalism as well as rebellion in social networks, which promote discord.

He also said that the country had seen a reduction in crime in the last few years and he pledged that the police officers would continue to protect the population.

The fifth general elections in Angola, which were held peacefully on 24 August, were won by the MPLA party and its leader, João Lourenço, with 51.07%.

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