Kenya: Abdulswamad Nassir Sworn in as Mombasa Governor

15 September 2022

Nairobi — Abdulswamad Nassir was on Thursday sworn in as the new Mombasa Governor.

Nassir, who was Mvita MP for two five-year terms, was sworn into office at 11:30am during a colorful event at the Mama Ngina Waterfront Park in Mombasa.

His deputy Francis Thoya also took the oath of office.

The duo now takes over from Hassan Joho and his deputy William Kingi.

Joho was the first Mombasa governor after he was elected into office in 2013.

The inauguration event was attended by Azimio la Umoja Coalition Party Presidential running mate Martha Karua and Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Other notable leaders were; Joho, Senators Mohammed Faki (Mombasa), Ledama Ole Kina (Narok), and five ODM MPs of Mombasa; Mishi Mboko (Likoni), Rashid Bedzimba (Kisauni), Mohamed Machele (Mvita), Badi Twalib (Jomvu), and Omar Mwinyi (Changamwe).

Judge George Dulu and Mombasa Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku presided over the inauguration ceremony.

Nassir and Thoya were declared winners of the Mombasa gubernatorial election, which was held on August 29, after they garnered 119,083 votes. They ran on ODM party ticket.

Their main rivals, Hassan Omar and Selina Maitha of UDA, garnered 98,105.

Their inauguration came on the same day all other 46 elected governors and their deputies at meeting at PrideInn Hotel at Shanzu Mombasa for the induction workshop.

The Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is expected to officially open the workshop.

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