Kenya: Azimio Picks Kilifi's Madzayo as Its Senate Minority Leader, Kitui's Wambua Deputy

17 September 2022

Machakos — The Azimio la Umoja Coalition Party has picked Kilifi Senator Steward Madzayo as its Senate Minority Leader.

Madzayo of ODM will be deputized by Kitui Senator Enock Wambua (Wiper Party), a key ally of Kalonzo Musyoka.

Azimio's Parliamentary Group meeting resolved to have Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo serve as the Senate Minority Whip having served as Deputy Majority Leader in the third Senate.

She will be deputized by Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna.

In the line up released on Saturday following a PG held at Stoni Athi in Machakos, Azimio unveiled Ugunja Member of Parliament Opiyo Wandayi as its leader in the National Assembly.

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka asserted that Azimio still controls the majority in the National Assembly as per a coalition agreement deposited at the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP).

Wandayi will be deputized by his Kathiani counterpart Robert Mbui from Wiper Party, a constituent party within Azimio.

"Azimio La Umoja One Kenya is legitimately the majority party in the national assembly. We have advised our members to take up majority roles," Musyoka stated.

Azimio designated Suna East MP Junet Mohammed as its House Whip in the 13th Parliament having served as Minority Whip in the previous House.

He will be deputized by Jubilee Party's nominated MP Sabina Chege.

The question on who between Azimio La Umoja One Kenya and their rival Kenya Kwanza wields the majority in the house is still a contested legal issue setting the stage for a confrontation in the House that may require the Speaker's intervention.

Some Azimio constituent parties have decamped to President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza Alliance opening up the issue of majority and minority in the National Assembly to a legal contest.

The majority battle may require interpretation by House Speaker Moses Wetangula or ultimately by the court.

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