Kenya: Senators to Commence 5-Day Induction Retreat

20 September 2022

Nairobi — The Senate is on Wednesday set to begin a five-day induction retreat in Naivasha.

This is the first time the Senators will converge after their swearing-in on September 9.

During their inaugural sitting, the 68 lawmakers elected former Kilifi governor Amason Kingi as the third Speaker of the Senate to be deputised by Meru Senator Murungi Kathuri all of whom belong to the Kenya Kwanza coalition party.

The vote was however boycotted by a section of the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya Senators who walked out just before the process started.

The Speaker will officially open the conference whose theme is "Understanding The Mandate of the Senate And Strengthening Devolution Through Legislative Agenda."

The Senators will be taken through the legislative agenda, the relationship with constitutional commissions and independent offices and matters of national security.

They will also have a plenary discussion on media relations and public awareness to be moderated by former journalist and Kitui county senator Enoch Wambua.

The President of the Kenya Editor's Guild Churchill Otieno and media consultant Mark Kaigwa will be the presenters.

Meanwhile, Members of the National Assembly have kicked off a week-long induction workshop in Nairobi.

According to the programme released by the Office of the Clerk, MPs were expected to arrive at the Safari Park Hotel by Sunday evening.

Members will be inducted on their roles, the state of the economy, diplomacy and reputation.

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