Kenya: Cracks Emerge in ODM Over Majority Leader Slot in National Assembly

21 September 2022

Nairobi — A fierce battle is ensuing within the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party over the sharing of house leadership slots in the National Assembly.

At the heart of the wrangles is the majority leader position which was dished out to the Ugunja Member of Parliament Opiyo Wandayi during Azimio La Umoja - One Kenya retreat last weekend retreat in Machakos County.

Former Minority Leader in the National Assembly John Mbadi has launched an onslaught on the slot saying the move by Orange Democratic Movement to designate it to his junior in the party leadership was an act of betrayal.

Having served as the Minority Leader in the previous house, Mbadi believes the position is betrothed to him.

"Sometimes certain decision are made against certain people and we keep quiet and people start imagining that we are comfortable," he stated.

"I am not comfortable with this decision, the stature of the ODM chairman position must be respected. I can't do the position of ODM chairman injustice by accepting that decision," said Mbadi.

The ODM Party chairman lamented that the move by the Raila Odinga-led party to settle on Wandayi signified that he failed in his tenure as the Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament.

"If am the chairman in ODM and I lead the party outside then I don't understand why when I come to the house, I am being led by someone who is my junior in the party. No democracy has such an arrangement," Mbadi noted.

However, a section of Azimio MPs dismissed Mbadi claims on the majority leadership positions saying that he is a mere nominated leader and can't purport to lead them in the August house.

Butere MP Tindi Mwale pointed out that the leadership of Azimio La Umoja well guided them on the coveted house leadership slots, a decision which was accepted by a majority of the leaders.

"You can't purport to be the senior most in the house when you are nominated by the party. You need to be elected. You can't lead members who are elected when you are nominated," said Mwale.

"His chairmanship is for ODM but the house leadership is for Azimio La Umoja One Kenya," he added.

Mbadi has however maintained he is a senior in the house regardless of whether he is nominated or elected.

The Nominated MP has since written to the party leadership protesting the appointment of Wandayi pushing for changes.

"The ODM party must know that I am not happy and I will not accept that decision. It is something that I don't want. If I am back to the house logically it doesn't make sense to relegate me to a subsidiary to someone who is my junior in my party," Mbadi noted.

Sources claim that the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya is set to retreat on Friday to iron out the disagreements concerning the house leadership slot.

Positions in the Senate and the National Assembly such as Majority leader, Minority leader and the deputies, Majority and Minority whip and their deputies are some of the most coveted and come with additional packages.

Payment perks and having an influence on government Bills, and policies are some of the reasons driving Members of Parliament to strive to get into top leadership positions.

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