Kenya: Odinga Calls Crisis ODM Meeting to Iron Out Differences Over House Leadership

22 September 2022

Nairobi — Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga has called for an urgent Parliamentary Group meeting next week to iron out thorny issues concerning the wrangles over the House leadership that was unveiled last week.

Ever since the House leadership line-up was announced by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka during the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya retreat infightings have emerged.

Sources had intimated that the meeting was slated to be held tommorow but it has been pushed to early next week.

Among the issues that have occasioned the postponement is the ongoing induction of legislators and Senators that will end this week on Saturday.

ODM party was given the Majority leader slot which was dished out to the Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi and the Majority Whip designed for Suna East MP Junet Mohammed.

Former Minority Leader in the National Assembly John Mbadi who is now a nominated MP has launched an onslaught on the slot saying the move by ODM to settle on his junior for the Majority Leader slot was an act of betrayal.

Having served as the Minority Leader in the previous house Mbadi believes the position is betrothed to him.

"Sometimes certain decision are made against certain people and we keep quiet and people start imagining that we are comfortable,"

"I am not comfortable with this decision, the stature of the ODM chairman position must be respected. I can't do the position of ODM chairman injustice by accepting that decision," said Mbadi.

The ODM party chairman lamented that the move by the Raila Odinga led party to settle on Wandayi signified that he has failed in his leadership in the party and in his tenure as the Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament.

Positions in the Senate and the National Assembly such as Majority leader, Minority leader and the deputies, Majority and Minority whip and their deputies are some of the most coveted and as they come with additional packages.

The ODM parliamentary group meeting has also been postponed to give room to Azimio La Umoja MPs to choose their committee of preference.

MPs were directed to choose four committees of their preference for placement ahead of the official parliamentary sitting.

"In the meeting we had we talked much about the formulation of committees and we will be compiling the list after MPs show interest,"Wandayi said.

"Given that the leadership will sit next week we will among other issues come up with the placement structure," he added.

This is even as both Azimio La Umoja One Kenya and Kenya Kwanza Alliance believe that they are the majority in the house.

This confusion might delay the placement of MPs in committees as the minority side mainly take control over oversight committees while the majority side focus on committee that handle government business.

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