Kenya: 5 Counties to Form Framework on Lake Front Development Initiative

22 September 2022

Kisumu — The five riparian counties along Lake Victoria Basin have resolved to form a framework and operationalize a technical sub-committee on Lake Front Development Initiative.

The Counties of Busia, Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori will form a framework they can use to identify development hotspots, areas where the next push for development will most likely occur.

Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong'o, Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga and Migori Deputy Governor Joseph Mahiri held a meeting in Kisumu on Thursday to jumpstart the process.

Nyong'o who read a press statement after a closed door meeting says the five counties have agreed to develop a joint lake front initiative.

"We are going to target the water resource and the people whose livelihoods depend on Lake Victoria with particular focus on urban areas including the beach settlements," he said.

Nyong'o says the lake front has a high potential that needs to be harnessed beyond what it currently offers.

He says the lake offers maritime transport, boat making and fishing but the counties should put more focus on on-land development of resources such as tourism resources which will bring tremendous income to the counties.

The Governors took note of linking lakefront planning and the Lake Victoria ring road to the Lake Victoria Regional Development Program by improving infrastructure on human capital opportunities and market for residents.

Nyong'o noted that they will build on the already existing institutions to help the riparian counties to move with speed and actualize the dream.

"As you know here in Kisumu we have the initiative, The Lakefront Development Corporation, I think we can build on that once we have a discussion," he said.

Governor Wanga welcomed the initiative which she says will regenerate the economic growth of the riparian counties.

She says Homa Bay, which commands the large share of Lake Victoria, will benefit immensely if the initiative is rolled out.

"We are hitting the road running and some steps will be taken by stakeholders including the County Assembly," she said.

The Governor called for unity among the five counties noting that only synergies will propel them to greater heights.

Nyong'o reiterated that they are ready to ensure the people in the region gets tremendous benefits from Devolution which starts its second decade.

Busia and Siaya Governors, Paul Otuoma and James Orengo respectively did not attend or send in representatives for the consultative meeting on developing the lake front.

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