Angola: Social Action Ministry Puts Children's Welfare On Top of Priorities

Luanda — The minister of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto, said Wednesday in Luanda that her ministry will prioritize the welfare of children, women, and elderly people, in line with the government's programme for this sector.

The minister added that special attention will be given to other vulnerable groups. She said so during the ceremony that served to officialy take over from the previous incumbent, Faustina Alves de Sousa, thus receiving the protfolios of the sector.

Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto called for the commitment of all professionals of the sector, having announced the holding soon of a diagnosis to learn about and better use the professional potential of each technician.

The Social Action Ministry works towards tackling the challenges of social action in the country, focused on combating poverty, protecting children and the elderly, and promoting the social inclusion of women and people with disabilities, including former soldiers.

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