Kenya: Babu, Ladema Accuse ODM of Betrayal as Fight for Committee Slots Gets Nasty

23 September 2022

Nairobi — The disquiet in the Orange Democratic Party over the proposed House Committee leadership line-up has attracted new casualties with Embakasi East MP Babu Owino and Narok Senator Ladema Ole Kina calling out the Raila Odinga-led outfit for what they termed as betrayal and blackmail.

Babu who is serving his second term as a legislator protested the decision of his party to reportedly award Nominated MP and ODM Chairman John Mbadi with the Chairmanship of the powerful Public Accounts Committee which he claims had been promised to him.

@TheODMparty With Due respect why should Hon John Mbadi come down from the position of Majority leader to PAC chair which was reserved for me. This will not happen!!!Over my dead body... Young people must get their space.. it's now or never . He has been rewarded through Nomination

-- Babu Owino (@HEBabuOwino) September 22, 2022

The former Student Organization of Nairobi University (SONU) leader vowed to put up a fight arguing Mbadi should be satisfied that he had been rewarded through nomination back to Parliament after he gave up his Homa Bay Gubernatorial bid.

Mbadi was first to express his displeasure in the line-up unveiled on Saturday by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka questioning why he was overlooked for the House Leader slot despite having a stellar performance as a Minority Leader in the Twelfth Parliament.

On the hand, Narok Senator Ledama Olekina has also castigated ODM for giving leadership slots to new members and rallied long-term members to fight for the positions.

It's about time we demand what is ours. Enough of always being kept in arms way while others chill in their cribs and are rewarded with the lion share of party positions.

-- Sen. Ledama Olekina (@ledamalekina) September 22, 2022

Raila summoned all his MPs to a crisis meeting which is slated for Monday.

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