Kenya: 8 Police Officers, 2 Civilians, Chief Killed in Turkana Bandit Attack

25 September 2022

Nairobi — Eight police officers are among 11 people who were killed Saturday following a bandit attack in Turkana County blamed on Pokot rustlers.

Other victims include a local chief and two civilians who succumbed to the injuries inflicted on them by the assailants.

One of the victims who lost their lives is a sister of Thirdway Alliance Party Leader Ekuru Aukot.

Police Headquarters indicated that the officers were pursuing the rustlers when they were attacked by the heavily armed bandits who also made away with some of the livestock the police were after.

"The National Police Service regrets to inform on the criminal and cowardly ambush by cattle rustling bandits on innocent members of the public and police officers. The officers were in hot pursuit of Pokot bandits who had raided a village in Turkana East and made away with livestock," Police spokesperson Bruno Shioso said Saturday.

While condoling with the bereaved families Shioso said the Government had dispatched additional officers to beef up security in the area and pursue the attackers.

"NPS reassures the public that all necessary measures shall be taken to restore security and safety in the region," Shioso said.

Despite heavy security presence in the area, Turkana County has suffered a spate of deadly attacks from bandits in recent years which resulting in the loss of lives and injuries.

On March 18, two people including a Spanish national were injured when armed bandits waylaid a passenger vehicle along the Kitale-Lodwar highway.

Police stated that three armed bandits ordered the driver to stop the vehicle, but he defied and accelerated in an attempt to escape from the scene prompting the attackers to shoot twice at the said vehicle.

"During the incident, the driver and one passenger who occupied the front seat suffered gunshot wounds," police said.

The driver managed to drive the vehicle to Kainuk Health Dispensary where it was confirmed that a Spanish national identified Diana Astropetros, 40 years was shot on the right foot with the bullet still lodged.

"The driver suffered a slight gunshot wound on the right thigh, treated and discharged," police stated.

The Spanish national was referred to Kapenguria County Referral hospital for further treatment. Her condition was critical condition.

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