Angola: Minister Recommends Greater Pluralism in Public Media

Luanda — Angola's minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication Mário Augusto da Silva de Oliveira Monday in Luanda recommended the State Media outlets greater pluralism, giving more voice to citizens.

Speaking to the press at the end of a visit to the facilities of National Radio station (RNA), Mário de Oliveira encouraged the Media to create content in which citizens identify themselves.

Mário de Oliveira also guaranteed a greater focus on digital platforms, as it is one of the most used means by youth.

"Today, everyone is connected to new information technologies, hence it is necessary to increasingly invest in digital platforms, in order to bring young people closer and connected to the Media", said the minister.

As for the cyber security, the minister said it was urgent to tackle this issue.

In turn, the CEO of RNA, Pedro Cabral, said that the visit is part of the work started by the current minister, when he held the position of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Technologies.

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