Kenya: President Ruto Hosts Prayer and Thanksgiving Service at State House

25 September 2022

Nairobi — President William Ruto convened an interdenominational prayer and thanksgiving service at State House Nairobi on Sunday following his inauguration as the country's fifth Head of State.

Ruto hosted the service attended by top leaders of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance after jetting back to the country from New York at 6am.

The service was presided over by Bishop Mark Kariuki and a host of evangelicals.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua had confirmed that the President invited religious leaders from Nairobi County to preside over the event.

He was speaking on during the burial service of Baringo Deputy Governor, the late Charles Kipng'ok.

Ruto took the oath of office on September 13 and later traveled to New York where he made his inaugural address at the UN General Assembly, where he asked big lenders to extend debt relief to borrowing countries that are still reeling in economic hardship caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Ruto attributed his win in the August 9 general election as one that took the hand of God, saying what appears impossible to man is possible before God.

Evangelist Reuben Kigame however accused Ruto's administration for 'overdoing religion' state functions and State House (which is the official residence of the Head of State).

He argued there was evangelical overrepresentation during Ruto's inauguration, saying the presidency should observe Article 27 of the Constitution.

"I know I will be bashed but I need to be truthful and accountable to the nation. I think the Ruto administration is overdoing religion. While we acknowledge the hand of God in bringing us this far, the presidency must observe Article 27 of the Constitution."

The renowned gospel artiste said he believes the Ruto administration was over church should play a neutral and balanced role underpinned by the truth to provide a true spiritual direction for the country.

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