Angola: Vice President Recommends Commitment to Good Governance

Luanda — Angola's Vice President of the Republic Esperança Costa Tuesday urged the newly appointed staff of her Office to stick to the values of good governance, in the pursuit of public interest and the welfare of Angolans.

During the swearing-in ceremony of directors, advisors and consultants of her Office, Esperança Costa called for the need to cultivate respect among interpersonal and professional relationships in order to achieve the excellence.

She said the efficiency, rigour and high sense of mission should be a mandatory reference in the work, based on ethics, respect and the fulfillment of the obligations within the deadlines.

To her, the unity is crucial for dealing with future challenges as well as the wise management of available resources.

In her speech, she promised to work on creation of material and logistical conditions that enable the civil servants to perform their work with dedication, zeal and vigorous commitment.

The Vice president expressed her Office's commitment to be in line with the deepening of democracy, the rule of law, as well as the fight against corruption and nepotism.

The Vice President's commitment includes the diversification of the economy, improvement of the business environment and economic and social development aimed at building a better Angola for all.

On Monday, the Vice-President of the Republic swore in Claudete Miguel do Sacramento e Sousa, as head of her Office, Domingos de Alegria Econgo, legal adviser, and António Manuel Moisés Pinto, economic adviser.

Elsa Maria Bárber Dias dos Santos do Espirito Santo took office as Social advisor and Faustino Simão ceremonial director.

For advisors were sworn in Marcelino Joel Cerca Pinto, Gabriel Luís Miguel and Joffrana Dynamene Xavier de Oliveira.

The ceremony was witnessed by the ministers of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Maria do Rosário Bragança Sambo; Education, Luísa Grilo; and Environment, Ana Paula de Carvalho.

Senior officials from the Vice-President Office also attended the swearing in ceremony.

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