Angola: MPLA Slams Demonstrations Meant to Disrupt Government Actions

Luanda — The Politburo of the Central Committee of MPLA Tuesday condemned demonstrations against the Executive's actions, focused on "working more and communicating better".

In its press note, the ruling party in Angola considered counterproductive any demonstrations that contradict the Executive's immediate action, based on working more and communicating better".

MPLA Politburo states that the Executive is focused on implementing the Government Programme approved at the polls.

It adds that the implementation has as the main goal to improve the living conditions of the population.

"The MPLA Politburo urges all the Angolan people to strongly repudiate all explicit or veiled actions aimed at altering the sentiment expressed by Angolans at the polls", reads the note.

Likewise, the MPLA's BP urges Angolans to oppose what it calls "narratives tainted" with intentions that attack national sovereignty and its holders, territorial integrity, and the constitutional order.

The MPLA reiterates its commitment to continue working with true and honest communication capable of mobilising Angolans in favour of the country's economic and social development.

In the repudiation note, the MPLA states that "it will never be in line with political parties which do not respect the Constitution and the Law, promote subversion, incite acts of violence and vandalism, refuse to respect the people's will".

The document adds that such political parties, without mentioning their names, have reached "the point of not congratulating the winner, to whom the right is now claimed to invite to walk side by side".

In the document, the MPLA underlines that as a serious party, with State responsibilities, it will walk with the political parties that defend patriotism and national unity, promote peace and stability.

The Political Bureau, the note goes on, considers serious the insulting speeches and incitement to subversion made by those who in the National Assembly swore before the Angolan people to comply with and enforce the country's laws.

In the document, the MPLA body appeals to its militants, sympathizers and friends to remain calm and serene, refraining from provocation and letting the competent authorities respond with legal force.

Finally, the MPLA urges the population in general to adopt a citizenship behaviour in which the protection of individual and collective rights is elevated, in order to preserve peace, stability and to discourage acts of disrespect to the authorities.

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