Uganda: Museveni Orders Muhoozi to Stop 'Tweeting Fwaa'

Lieutenant-General Muhoozi Kainerugaba (file photo).
4 October 2022

As Kenya's Foreign Affairs Minister 'summons' Uganda's High Commissioner to Kenya

President Museveni has instructed Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the commander of Land Forces in UPDF to go slow on his tweeting activity lest it will cause a diplomatic row between Uganda and other countries, sources have told The Nile Post.

It follows a series of tweets from the first son about various sensitive matters local and international over the last couple of days.

The sporadic tweets have left many people bewildered and some wondering whether Kainerugaba is in charge of his twitter handle.

Some of Muhoozi's defenders like Agriculture minister Frank Tumwebaze have urged the public not to take the tweets seriously because they are made in jest.

Yet jokes or not, the tweets have tickled many people the wrong away, especially the Kenyans.

Today morning, Uganda's ambassador to Nairobi, Hassan Galiwango was reportedly summoned to a meeting by Kenya's Foreign Affairs minister elect Alfred Mutua, over several issues including Muhoozi's tweets, according to sources.

This morning I shared a social cup of tea with Amb. Dr Hassan Galiwango - Uganda High Commissioner to Kenya. We discussed interesting matters. Mambo iko Sawa. -- Dr. Alfred Mutua (@DrAlfredMutua) October 4, 2022

In a tweet at 12.11 PM on October 4, Muhoozi confirmed that he had spoken to his father after "Kenyans had gotten scared."

Had a good discussion with my great father this morning. Apparently, my tweets scared Kenyans too much? He will announce the changes. There is a special prayer I shall make for our army. 🙏 -- Muhoozi Kainerugaba (@mkainerugaba) October 4, 2022

He however insisted in another follow up tweet that he had told his father that "no amount of threats will stop us from that goal" [of ensuring that east Africa becomes one country.

It would not be the first time Museveni has tried to halt Muhoozi's twitter activities having done so early this year.

"Self styled twitter general"

Since September 30, Muhoozi has outed tweets supporting Russia's cause in Ukraine, joking about Italy's incoming female Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni; supporting South Africa's Julius Malema and lampooning Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine aka "Kabobi."

But his most controversial and some say, insensitive, tweets have been about Kenya and its politics which peaked on October 3.

In one tweet, he wondered why Uhuru Kenyatta had not sought another term in office this year which would have meant amending Kenya;s Constitution.

In another which is understood to be the source of discomfort between Nairobi and Kampala, he claimed that "my army" can overrun Nairobi in two weeks.

It wouldn't take us, my army and me, 2 weeks to capture Nairobi.-- Muhoozi Kainerugaba (@mkainerugaba) October 3, 2022

Many Kenyans on social media shot back leading Muhoozi to recoil and claim that he was just joking and had no plan of hurting Kenyans.

"I would never beat up the Kenyan army because my father told me never to attempt it! So our people in Kenya should relax!" he tweeted late on October 3.

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