Uganda: Bobi Wine - Muhoozi Promotion a Step Towards His 'Coronation' As President

Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba at a music concert organized at the Lugogo Cricket Oval as part of his 48th birthday celebrations.
5 October 2022

The leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP) Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine has said the promotion of Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba to the rank of general is a step towards his eventual coronation as president of Uganda.

Kyagulanyi's remarks came hours after President Museveni sacked Kainerugaba as the commander of Land Forces in the UPDF and promoted to full general.

He was replaced by Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga.

Commenting on the changes, Kyagulanyi said: "After yesterday's (Monday) thoughtless tweets and threats against Kenya, Museveni has rewarded his brutal son with a fresh gift: The rank of full General. He will soon be retired as he awaits coronation as head of our country. All people who wish Uganda well must stop being indifferent."

Kyagulanyi claimed that Museveni and his son have been the chief perpetrators and beneficiaries of the worst human rights violations against the people of Uganda.

He explained that all these actions which are being done against the people of Uganda are meant to shield the duo from accountability for the violations. He called upon international organisations to stop funding Museveni's regime.

"Let me sound a warning to all governments and international organisations which continue to work with Museveni's illegitimate government- you can see what you have been funding and sustaining all along. It is time to say enough," he said.

He appealed to the people of the world not to look on as Uganda further shrinks into an absolute mess.

The changes that saw Muhoozi dropped as commander of Land Forces stem from the recent twitter meltdown in which he said he would only need two weeks with his army to capture Kenya's capital, Nairobi.

The sporadic tweets left many people baffled and confused and some wondering whether Kainerugaba was in charge of his twitter handle.

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