Uganda: Kyabazinga Roots for Cultural Promotion in Diaspora

5 October 2022

The Kyabazinga of Busoga William Gabula Nadiope has challenged his subjects from different parts of the world to ensure that their culture is preserved for all generations to come.

He made the plea during the ongoing Busoga Innovation Symposium in Toronto, Canada.

"We are all born with our different cultures and it's a symbol of our identity that we can't do away with. Therefore, I challenge all our people wherever they are to promote those good cultural practices that have stood the taste of time failure of which our values and morals will go to extinction," he emphasized

He notified the audience of the four main pillars of the kingdom which are: unity of purpose, transparency, accountability and positive impact.

The Third Deputy Premier Lukia Nakadama advised the gathering that all Ugandans and friends living and working in Canada to invest back home, have a good working relationship with the government for posterity purposes.

The minister for the Presidency Milly Babalanda emphasized the need for people living in the diaspora to work together as one way of solving their challenges in addition to having a critical mass as regards bargaining power for the region.

Moses Isanga who is the chairperson of the Busoga symposium revealed that the Kyabazinga's official visit to Canada has emboldened them to deepen their agenda for a cultured community.

"We have always talked about our values as a community since we love it but this time round we shall do more than we have been doing to protect and guard against our identity amidst the challenging times of the digital age", he said

He noted that they have formed a cultural group called Busoga Cultural Association of Canada which will act as a mobilization tool for fellow Basoga and other interested persons.

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