Tanzania: Expert Comes With Solution to Address Poor Maths' Pass Rate

THE Abacus Mental Maths centre in Tanzania has called for cooperation with the education stakeholders in providing training to the mathematics teachers, so as to improve children's academic performance.

Speaking with the 'Daily News' on Tuesday during the launch of the centre, its founder, Eng Julian Marko said that the main goal of the centre is to enable children to do calculations quickly by using the abacus device.

She added that when students use the device, it helps them in increasing speed and accuracy when solving math questions, practicing active listening when teachers are asking questions, as well as empowering them in decision making.

"I had the opportunity to study in China for my engineering studies and when I got there, I strived to learn how we could solve the challenge of making the maths pass rate to increase and I came up with idea of starting a centre in Tanzania," she noted.

She said that the centre was ready to work with the education stakeholders aiming at acquiring more competent students in math. Eng Julian said so far they have received 300 students aged from 4 to 12 years.

In addition, she explained that the math training programme at the centre lasts for four to five months and after that, the children are been given exams and they are not allowed to enter with an abacus device to test if they have understood well what they had been taught.

On her part, centre's teacher Irimina Ngowi listed one of the techniques they apply making the children deliver well in the subject is through the use of abacus device as an enjoyment and at the same time doing calculations.

"In order to make the student understand easily on how to use the device in making calculations, it is necessary to shape their brain and make them see the device as one of their enjoyment , she added

One among the students at the Center, Elinsia Benjamin expressed her delight to be at the centre as it has helped her to have self-confidence as well as well performing better in the subject.

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