Rwanda: Weather-Related Disasters Claim Over 100 Lives This Year - Report

A report by the Ministry in charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA) showed that from January to September, 2022, at least 150 people have lost their lives due to different disasters while 301 were injured.

The report, which The New Times accessed on Thursday October 6, shows that floods killed 17 people, landslides killed 22 people while lightning and mine disaster claimed lives of 45 and 52 respectively.

Other people, it shows, were killed by rainstorms, windstorm, house collapse among others.

Most of the injuries (178 people) were caused by lightning according to the report.

At least 1,033 incidences of disasters were recorded in a period of nine months.

These include 237 incidences of fire, 62 incidences of floods, 14 incidences of hailstorms, 74 landslides, 144 lightning, 54 mine disasters, 295 rainstorms and 151 windstorms.

The disasters, according to the report, damaged 3,378 houses, 1,631 hectares of crops, 73 hectares of forests, 270 classrooms, one health centre, 61 road sections, 13 churches, 52 brides, 17 administrative buildings, one water supply system, 60 transmission lines, two markets and four factories.

About 130 livestock were also killed by the disasters.

Most affected districts

A big number of deaths caused by disasters were recorded in the districts of Karongi, Nyamasheke, Muhanga, Burera, Nyaruguru, Rubavu, Rutsiro, Rulindo, Ngororero, Kayonza, Kamonyi, Gasabo and Bugesera.

The districts in which many houses were damaged by disasters include Burera, Gicumbi, Karongi, Kirehe, Rubavu, Rulindo, Ngororero and Gisagara.

The districts of Rubavu, Nyamagabe, Gicumbi, Gisagara, Huye,Muhanga, Nyamagabe recorded a high number of damaged hectares of crops while Rutsiro district has a big number of road sections and bridges damaged.

A big number of classrooms were destroyed in Burera, Gakenke, Karongi and Rulindo districts.

The deaths caused by disasters have increased from 100 between January and September last year (2021) to 150 deaths in the same period this year.

From January to September, disasters killed about 100 people and injured people increased from 195 people to 301 in the same period.

In 2020, 290 people lost their lives as 398 were injured due to disasters.

10-day weather forecast

Rwanda Meteorological Agency, in September this year, announced that from September to December, 2022, there are higher chances of decrease in rains compared to previous period (last year and before).

However, it warned that there are some areas that are likely to face localised flooding, landslides, strong winds and other extreme weather-related events in some parts of the country.

From October 1-10, the report indicated cumulative rainfall ranging between 60 and 80 millimetres is the highest expected during 10 days over many parts of Western Province, parts of Musanze, Rulindo and Burera Districts in Northern Province and western parts of Nyamagabe and Nyaruguru in Southern Province.

Moderate to slightly strong wind speed ranging between 4 and 8 metres per second is expected across the country.

Moderate wind speed ranging between 4 and 6 m/s is expected over few localized parts of Kayonza, Gatsibo, Nyagatare, Ngoma, Gicumbi, Burera, Gakenke, Gasabo, Nyabihu, Ngororero, Kamonyi, Muhanga, Gisagara, Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Rubavu, Rutsiro and Karongi Districts.

Moderate to slightly strong wind speed ranging between 4 and 6 m/s is expected in remaining parts.

Last month, in one week alone, strong winds destroyed 256 houses in Kirehe district.

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