Rwanda: Over 20,000 Classrooms Built to Decongest Schools

Over 22,000 classrooms for nursery, primary and secondary schools have been built to address congestion in schools.

Claude Uwihoreye, a communication specialist at the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), told The New Times that 22,505 classrooms were constructed countrywide depending on the needs of each district.

Out of the 22,505 classrooms, 17,414 are for primary schools, 3,591 for secondary and the remaining 1,500 classrooms for nursery schools.

The initiative was launched by MINEDUC in 2020. Uwihoreye indicated that construction was completed last year but there are classrooms in some districts that are not yet finished.

He said, "The process was completed last fiscal year. However, we still have 152 classrooms in Nyarugenge and Gasabo Districts to finalise (missing glasses) due to re-tendering of windows and doors."

Parents and students expressed their joy and gratitude following this initiative.

Alexis Rurangwa, a parent in a public school said, "As parents, we are very glad that the government has done this because our children should study in a comfortable environment with no congestion, and we believe that it will greatly help."

Ange Noella Karabo, a student at Groupe Scolaire Kimironko II, said that the block constructed at their school not only solved the problem of congestion but also depicts a good image of the school in the community.

She said, "The buildings make me proud to study at this school because they project our school as a developed school in our community."

She proceeded, "We only saw buildings like these in private schools; we used to label them as 'the developed schools.' And we thought they were only for such schools which made us think that our school was not developed."

Karabo added that the initiative has improved her studying experience for her and her classmates, and that she is grateful for it.

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