Angola: Defence Minister Congratulates Armed Forces On 31st Anniversary

Luanda — The minister of National Defence, Former Combatants and Homeland Veterans, João Ernesto dos Santos, Saturday congratulated the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), on the 31st anniversary of the creation this institution, to be marked on Sunday.

In a message, the official acknowledged the FAA´s performance and its glorious trajectory, having emphasized the support provided, in the last two years, to the social sector with the health services in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The minister also highlighted the FAA´s commitment during the general elections held this year with the staff to support the National Police in securing the polls.

"The Angolan Armed Forces have been key players of performances up to the challenges of overcoming the current adversities and focused in the future with a sense of mission and statehood", said the minister.

On this occasion, João Ernesto dos Santos continued by appealing to the FAAs High Command and its staff to redouble their efforts in the ongoing Restructuring, Resizing and Re-equipment process.

He urged the FAA staff to remain loyal to the democratically established political power under the strict observance of the Constitution of the Republic and its laws with high combative and operative readiness and high levels of civic and patriotic education.

The minister of National Defence, Former Combatants and Homeland Veterans congratulates also civilian employees in the service of the FAA and their families by wishing them success in fulfilling their mission to serve the Homeland.

The FAA was established on 9 October 1991, framed in the peace process.

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