Kenya: Grand Mullah Says Ruto Should Not Hire Political Rejects as Principal Secretaries

8 October 2022

Nairobi — City lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi now says politicians who failed to convince voters in the just concluded August 9 General elections should not be considered for appointment as Principal Secretaries.

Ahmednasir's comments come after the Public Service Commission (PSC) released a list of about 500 candidates for the PS posts, many of who are poll losers and close allies of President William Ruto seeking rewards for the role they played in his State House journey.

Those listed include former Lang'ata MP Nixon Korir, Isaac Mwaura who lost the Ruiru parliamentary contest, United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Kitui Governor Jonathan Mueke and Trans Nzoia Governor candidate Chris Wamalwa.

"Failed politicians rejected and found unfit for public office in the August elections by voters should not be employed as Principal Secretaries in ministries," he tweeted Saturday even as the PSC asked public to present views ahead of the approval hearings before the final list is sent to the president.

Other poll losers listed include Ali Mbogo who was Mike Sonko's running mate for Mombasa Governor's race and Cleophas Malala's running mate Beatrice Inyangala.

He also faulted the PSC's move to expand the initial shortlist of 477 candidates to the current 585, accusing the Commission of corrupt dealings in carrying out the exercise.

"By adding an additional 108 candidates into the shortlist for offices of Principal Secretaries, the Public Service Commission sadly confirmed the truth that it took bribes to be shortlisted. Sadly... Corruption galore in PSC!," he stated.

The Kenya Kwanza Alliance administration is set to have 49 Principal Secretaries who will each head a state department in the 22 ministries.

Some of the Ministries set to have more than one PS include that of Prime Cabinet Secretary under nominee Musalia Mudavadi which is expected to have three PSs to be in charge of Internal Security and National Administration, Correctional Services and Citizen Services.

The other one is National Treasury which is to be led by Prof Njuguna Ndung'u is set to be manned by two PSs steering the dockets of Finance and Economic Planning .

The Foreign Affairs Ministry which is to be led by Alfred Mutua as CS will have a PS for Foreign Affairs and another for Diaspora Affairs.

The Public Service and Gender Ministry is too set to have two PSs to take care of Public Service and another for Gender and Affirmative.

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