Kenya: NOC-K Eyeing Strategic Partnerships in Early Preps for Paris Olympics

11 October 2022

Nairobi — The National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOC-K) is eyeing strategic partnerships with different entities to prepare Team Kenya for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Secretary general Francis Mutuku said these partnerships will provide prospective Olympians with opportunities to finesse their art and craft in readiness for the quadrennial games.

"We have been looking at France because naturally it is where the next edition of the Olympics will be held. We have been looking out for possible cities for a pre-Olympics training and we are happy that the Southern city of Miramas has expressed a willingness to support us in this," Mutuku said.

He added: "We had the same sort of camp in Kurume, Japan before the Olympics. Obviously, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of days at the camp and the size of the team was restricted. As much as it was a success, we feel there is more we could have been done. This time we are looking to do a bigger scale like enabling those who have qualified for the Olympics train in France for about 45-60 days before the competition."

Last month, Mutuku was part of a delegation of NOC-K's executive committee members who were in Miramas to explore the possibility of a memorandum of understanding with the French city on the establishment of a camp for Team Kenya.

Mutuku said negotiations are at advanced stage and expressed hope that talks between the different parties will soon birth a strategic partnership.

"The intention of a second visit to Miramas is to explore and enter into an MoU with the city of Miramas. Later in the year... or the first quarter of next year, we hope to come to an agreement involving all the parties, including the city of Miramas, the region, the government through the Ministry of Sports, Miramas Athletics Club as well as NOCK," he said.

Mutuku added: "With that particular partnership, we hope to provide our athletes with opportunities. A specific area we are hoping to benefit from is technical support. Miramas have invested in their infrastructure and top-level coaches and we are hoping they will assist our coaches when we take our athletes for training camps and competitions."

Describing, major competitions, such as the Olympics, as a process and not an event, Mutuku further noted that they are looking to provide Kenyan sportspersons with as much opportunity to train and compete with their international peers.

"Before then (pre-Olympics camp), we are also looking at cities in France where we can send our athletes to train. Once they are there, they are able to compete with other experienced athletes and access modern facilities just like the case of Malkia Strikers in Brazil... playing top clubs every weekend, which for African standards is as good as it gets," he said.

In April this year, 11 young sprinters were enlisted for a month-long training camp in Miramas as part of a partnership between Athletics Kenya and Miramas Athletics Club.

Long jumper Winnie Chepng'etich and sprinter Elkanah Chemelil departed for France late last month for another training camp in Miramas.

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