Malawi: ECAM Calls for Increased Efforts to End Child Labour in Malawi

12 October 2022

Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) has challenged private sector players to increase their efforts towards eliminating child labour in Malawi.

ECAM president ECAM Anne Chavula said there is a need for all employers to willingly commit themselves and pledge to support activities that address the root cause of child labour.

The association, with financial support from the Government of Netherlands, is implementing a project called 'Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa)'.

The overarching goal of ACCEL Africa Project is to accelerate the elimination of child labour in Africa, through targeted actions in selected supply chains in Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda.

In Malawi, the project is targeting five districts of Mulanje, Thyolo, Mzimba, Chitipa and Ntchisi.

Speaking at a press briefing on Monday, Chavula called for collaboration among stakeholders to eliminate the problem of child labour in Malawi.

"We are calling upon all employers to willingly commit and pledge to support activities that address the root cause of child labour and support the prevention of children from being engaged in Child Labour through Memorandum of Understanding and Private- Public Partnerships (PPs) that address educational and social gaps," she said.

At the same event, ECAM announced the introduction of the third edition of 'Employers of The Year Award' whose aim is to recognize the best employers in Malawi with the best practices in employment, labour laws and other important areas.

The award also aims at increasing the relevance and visibility of the association, improving the corporate and image of participating companies.

It has several categories, which, among others, include managing during crisis and workplace wellness, Human Resource Development, Youth Employment and Skills Development as well as Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business.

Chavula said participation to the competition is open to all ECAM paid-up members and the call for entries is open from 11th October, 2022, and will close on 21st October, 2022.

"The sponsorship packages are designed to complement companies existing marketing mix and elevate companies profile and brand identity and those companies which will sponsor this year's Employers Year Awards they will benefit in the way that there brands will be taken to new heights and also the marketing decision of there companies will be sharpened," she stated.

ECAM thrives to raise and sustain productivity and promote decent work agenda and to create a positive image of the employers and they work to see a child labour free workplace, conducive working environment for the employee and ease in doing business to realize profits in turn improving economy.

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