Algeria Permanent Representative to UN Stresses Basics of Western Sahara Issue, Deconstructs Morocco's Well-Worn Arguments

New York (United Nations) — Algeria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Nadir Larbaoui, addressing the members of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) on Friday, stressed the legal and historical bases of Western Sahara issue, before deconstructing, with irrefutable evidence, Morocco's well-worn arguments about the issue and its allegations to distort the facts and mislead the international community.

In an address, Algeria's ambassador welcomed the number of statements made by several delegations and petitioners from various parts of the world in support of Western Sahara people's right to self-determination, including the grand-son of the iconic figure of struggle and freedom, the late leader Nelson Mandela.

Those statements are a reason for optimism and hope, given that the consciousness of free peoples is living and vibrant when it comes to human values, basic principles, the goals and the objectives of the United Nations, he underlined.

Ambassador Larbaoui regretted the United Nations' inability to carry out the missions they have been entrusted for the decolonization of 17 territories, including Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa, at a time when the international community is mobilizing to reject and condemn the annexation of territories by force in other areas of the world, according to the reprehensible policy of double standards.

Ambassador Larbaoui recalled the legal nature of Western Sahara issue, mentioning the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, all of which affirm Western Sahara people's legitimate right to self-termination.

He also cited the recent decision of the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights, which stipulated that Western Sahara people's right to self-determination and independence is an indisputable legal fact, and that African countries must apply the decision.

Regarding Morocco's attempt to propose a so-called autonomy plan as the only solution, Ambassador Larbaoui warned against this dangerous precedent that threatens the foundations of international law and the UN Charter.

The diplomat warned against lending credibility to such a proposal, which means, for the first time since the creation of the United Nations, legitimizing occupation and annexation of a territory by force.

He also denounced the policy of fait accompli adopted by Morocco, which is plundering the natural resources of Western Sahara people.

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