Sudan Doctors - 27 Injuries During October 13 Marches of the Millions

16 October 2022

Khartoum / Atbara / Omdurman — The Socialist Doctors Association in Sudan recorded 27 injuries following the Marches of the Millions demonstration in Khartoum on Thursday, including a case of a child being run over, as well as several instances of injuries from live ammunition, rubber bullets, and projectiles.

In Atbara, authorities ran over a child in a Land Cruiser, referred to locally known as a Thatcher car, when protesters were meeting up and begin their processionary route. In an interview with Radio Dabanga, activist and witness to the violence seen in Atbara, Nujoud El Shalali, said that "the child was sent for treatment in Khartoum, due to the poor condition of the health sector and hospitals in Atbara".

The Sudanese activist group, United Against Violations (UAV), also reported that junta forces used an Oblin, an improvised projectile weapon that shoots stone and glass, against demonstrators on El Arbaeen street (renamed Martyr Abdelazim Street) in Omdurman. According to witnesses, two protesters underwent surgery as a result of the projectile weapon, and pieces of stone were extracted from their body.

In a statement by UAV, the group said that the use of "new means of repression against peaceful revolutionaries by the repressive coup forces, is a violation and crime against humanity, and one that has caused severe damage against protesters". The group also called on authorities to stop these violations and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

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