Tanzania: President Hailed for Walking in Nyerere's Footsteps

A CROSS section of government leaders, former executives and analysts on Saturday commended President Samia Suluhu Hassan for being keen on implementing the philosophy and upholding the legacy of the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

They are optimistic that with the ongoing pace of implementation of various initiatives, the country will record massive transformation within a short period of time.

They made the comments during a virtual meeting held to discuss implementation of philosophy of Mwalimu Nyerere in the administration of sixth phase government.

According to them, the level of development that the country has recorded so far is the result of solid foundations of the first phase administration that was under Mwalimu Nyerere from 1962 to 1985.

"Mwalimu Nyerere was a visionary leader, who knew exactly where the country was supposed to go, and was keen to ensure effective participation of all members of the public in building the nation," said Ambassador Ombeni Sefue, a retired Chief Secretary.

Ambasador Sefue, who is also the Board Chairperson for Uongozi Institute mentioned some initiatives that were initiated by the late great son of Africa, Mwl Nyerere during his tenure in the county's top office.

"He set the foundation for good leadership, human resources development through emphasis on the education sector, construction of infrastructure, prioritising the agriculture sector, as we enhance diplomacy with the international community," he said.

According to him, the Father of the Nation also made efforts in women empowerment, setting strategies for building the economy and promoting national peace, unity and harmony.

"Even though he isn't alive now, his philosophies and thoughts are still valid today, we have seen President Samia implementing the same with new zeal," he added.

The former Chief Secretary also acknowledged the role played by former presidents -- Ali Hassan Mwinyi, late Benjamin Mkapa, Jakaya Kikwete and the late Dr John Magufuli, who also put into practice ideas of Nyerere during their tenures.

The Tanzania High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Ambassador Dr Asha Rose Migiro also commended the Head of State for being active in maintaining the country's diplomatic ties with other countries.

"She is a good promoter of peace, love and national unity, similar to what was pioneered by the late Mwalimu Nyerere, indeed President Samia is walking the talk on implementation of an agenda that is crucial for sustainable development," she noted.

Dr Migiro observes that President Samia is using diplomacy in bringing development and national consensus.

For their part, the Njombe Regional Commissioner Anthony Mtaka and the Director General of Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) Dr Ayub Rioba hailed the ongoing efforts in improving provision of social services in education, health, water, electricity and infrastructure development.

They said implementation on projects in the mentioned areas is crucial in battling three enemies that were mentioned by late Mwalimu Nyerere -- poverty, ignorance and diseases.

"We have seen now that the government is busy constructing classrooms, schools, health facilities, infrastructure of power supply in various parts of the country as well as putting emphasis on the agriculture sector," said Mr Mtaka.

Speaking, Dr Rioba also commended the initiative of promoting the private sector by encouraging investment in the industrial sector for the sake to add value to the available raw materials.

"President Samia has carried out the Pan Africanism ideology that was initiated by Mwalimu Nyerere, she is also making efforts in the agriculture sector which is the backbone for the country's economy," he said.

On his part, the political analyst Goodluck Ng'ingo called on government officials and presidential appointees to discharge their responsibilities in supporting efforts in building the nation.

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