Tanzanians Urged to Emulate Nyerere's Ideas, Virtues

Kilimanjaro — Same District Commissioner Edward Mpogolo has urged Tanzanians to emulate Mwalimu Julius Kambarage through hard work.

Speaking at a special symposium in honour of the nation's founding father held here last Friday, the area DC said Nyerere epitomised self-discipline and hard work, which are some of the virtues that he had envisioned among Tanzanians.

"Working hard and instilling discipline in our workplaces will be a befitting tribute to Mwalimu," observed Mr Mpogolo.

In his opening remarks, Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner Nurdin Babu described the late Father of the Nation as a righteous and God-fearing leader who tried to establish an egalitarian society.

"It is such attributes that has seen Tanzania earn global respect and recognition for the love of mankind," the regional commissioner explained.

A deeply religious man, Nyerere's ideals drew heavily on Roman Catholic teaching on the nature of a just society.

Nyerere maintained a deep respect for human rights and peace in a dangerous and unstable part of the world. In honor of his idealism and his integrity, the Catholic Church is currently reviewing Nyerere's life in consideration of beatification.

In 2005 the late Bishop Justin Samba of the Diocese of Musoma and Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) requested the Holy See to declare Nyerere a saint.

On May 13, 2005 the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI declared Julius Kambarage Nyerere the Servant of God which was also the first step for the start of the beatification and finally canonisation to sainthood.

While his social democratic ideals did not lead to the prosperity he hoped for, Ujamaa still served as an ideology to unify the nation and prevent the ethnic, racial, and religious violence that has plagued the African continent and to express an ethic of service for ordinary men and women.

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