Africa: Who Conducts an Open Webinar to Introduce the Global Guidance Framework for the Responsible Use of the Life Sciences

press release

On 3 October 2022, the WHO Science Division organized an open webinar to introduce and discuss the new Global guidance framework for the responsible use of the life sciences: mitigating biorisks and governing dual-use research.

The framework, issued in September 2022, is a landmark document that is the result of two years of concerted collaborative effort involving WHO staff and hundreds of international experts in the fields of life science research, biosafety, and biosecurity.

The framework is a first-of-its-kind comprehensive global guidance document that is expected to shape national and international policies and approaches for mitigating biorisks and governing dual-use research. It has the power to safely unlock the great promise that life sciences and related technologies hold for improving global health.

Reflecting the global and multi-stakeholder nature of the guidance document, the webinar too was led by a stellar panel of international experts representing the voices of various stakeholders who will benefit from the framework. The panellists included the coordinating team from the WHO Science Division, the three facilitators of working groups that informed the framework's development, and a representative from the WHO regional office for Africa.

The webinar began by panellists shedding light on the scope and importance of the framework; the collaborative process through which it was developed; the practical tools, case studies, and checklists it offers; and how the different elements of the document can be applied by various stakeholders.

The discussion then focused on the nine values and principles that anchor the approaches outlined in the framework, which policymakers are also encouraged to adopt when thinking about biorisk mitigation. While noting that global policymaking around biorisks will differ depending on social, cultural, and political contexts, panellists highlighted that the framework's values and principles can serve as a baseline and a unifying language for decision-making in these areas.

Panellists elaborated on how the tools and mechanisms described in the framework can be used for proactive biorisk management among all stakeholders, particularly researchers and research institutions throughout the research life cycle.

Next, panellists noted how there is stark general lack of awareness that life science research output could potentially be misused in ways that pose health and security risks to the public. They expounded on how the framework can be put into action through education, awareness-raising, and engagement activities that create a feeling of shared ownership and responsibility among stakeholders, while being tailored to unique socioeconomic contexts.

Finally, in discussing how WHO member states and regions may interpret and implement the framework, panellists highlighted the challenges and considerations for life science research in LMIC countries--for example, lack of funding, resources, governance, and training around biosafety and biosecurity. They expressed a belief that the framework will be key to establishing critical policies and fostering ethics and research integrity in these regions.

The webinar was well-attended by stakeholders from around the world, with ample representation from each of the WHO regions. The audience was participative and shared examples of tools and policies for biorisk management from their own countries and research institutions.

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