Kenya: Confusion Rocks Nairobi County Assembly as UDA, Azimio Claim Majority in House

14 October 2022

Nairobi — Confusion has rocked the Nairobi County Assembly after both the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party and Azimio One Kenya coalition party in the house.

This is after UDA Secretary General Veronica Maina wrote a letter to the Speaker, naming the party's leadership in the assembly, days after the Azimio coalition party released their list.

In the letter dated October 12, 2022 Maina designated Waithaka MCA Antony Kiragu as the Majority leader and South B MCA Waithera Chege as his deputy.

She named Umoja One MCA Mark Mugambi as the Majority Whip, and Nominated MCA Joyce Muthoni as the deputy, while Mlango Kubwa MCA Susan Makungu was nominated to the County Assembly Service Board.

The party also named Kawangware MCA Fredrick Njogu to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) while his counterpart Jeremiah Themendu from Kayole Central is to go to the Public Investments Committee (PIC).

"Kindly note that the following UDA members are the duly nominated members from our party to be the Majority Leader, Deputy Majority Leader, Majority Whip, County Service Board Member, PIC and PAC member in the Nairobi County Assembly. Please accord them the necessary support as they serve," the letter stated.

On Wednesday, Azimio presented its list for the Nairobi County Assembly leadership, and named Makongeni MCA Peter Imwatok the Majority Leader to be deputized by Laini Saba MCA John Musila.

The list presented to the Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Ken Ng'ondi also named Kilimani MCA Moses Ogeto as the Majority Whip to be deputized by Upper Savannah MCA Elijah Stazo.

Nominated MCA Catherine Okoth was appointed to represent Azimio at the Nairobi County Assembly Service Board.

The Azimio One Kenya coalition party has 67 members, while the Kenya Kwanza Alliance -- the second largest coalition in the county assembly and the Minority Party- has 53 members.

Three MCAs are independents while Utawala ward is yet to conduct MCA elections.

At the same time, Ngara MCA Chege Mwaura implored the Registrar of Political Parties Ann Nderitu to determine the majority and minority coalition of parties for the Nairobi County Assembly.

In a letter, Mwaura asked Nderitu's office to determine which party is the majority in adherence to the Political Parties Act.

He also sought to know from the RPP if the position of the dissolution of Chama Cha Kazi (CCK) and if it changes strength in the Nairobi County assembly.

The Nairobi County Assembly has a total of 123 members, 85 are elected members while 39 are nominated.

UDA party has 52 MCAs both elected and nominated, ODM also has 52 MCAs both elected and nominated, Jubilee 9 MCAs, Wiper 6, CCK has one.

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