Kenya: Wetangula Says Mudavadi Nomination as Prime Cabinet Secretary Legal

17 October 2022

Nairobi — National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has stated that the nomination of Musalia Mudavadi as the Prime Cabinet Secretary is was legally sound.

This is following uproar Members of Parliament from the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance who questioned the legality of the position as it's not enshrined in the constitution.

In his ruling however, Speaker Wetangula stated that the cabinet slot was within the law and hence the committee shall proceed and vet Mudavadi in accordance to the house vetting committee standing orders.

"According to our constitution, the president is allowed to have not less than 14 or more than 22 cabinet slots, and I hereby confirm that the Prime Cabinet Secretary is within the law," Wetangula said.

Wetangula stated that its within the power of the President to designate the title and function to any cabinet Secretary as long it's doesn't violate the tenents of the Constitution.

"The designation of the Prime Cabinet Secretary is not inconsistent with the any provision of law and therefore the designation is legally grounded," he indicated.

Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi had argued that the constitution only provides for a president, a Deputy President, a Cabinet secretary and an Attorney general and does not in any way create a position of a Prime cabinet secretary.

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