Minimising Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Petroleum Sector - The Opportunity for Emerging Producers

13 October 2022
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

What: Knowledge Sharing Webinar Series on Natural Gas and Energy Transition

Who: The African Development Bank

When: 19 October 2022, 14:00 GMT

Where: Virtual, Via Zoom - Please register in advance here

The African Natural Resources Management and investment Centre of the African Development Bank Group in partnership with the New Petroleum Producers Group (NPG), cordially invites you to attend a webinar titled "Minimising Greenhouse Gases in the Petroleum Sector: The Opportunity for Emerging Producers". The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, 19 October 2022, from 14:00 to 15:15 GMT.

Commitments have been made by large oil and gas companies to decarbonise and aim to reach net zero carbon emissions by mid-century. A broader challenge lies in translating emission pledges to implementation in business practices.

Similarly, oil producing countries need to move beyond abstract goals and devote political capital to forging a new path. This requires combining climate commitments at national level (nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and international net zero goals with national planning and operational petroleum sector decisions. In this context, Africa's new and emerging producers can leap-frog mature producers and position themselves at the lower end of the emission intensity spectrum, ensuring that the sector's long-term emissions profile is reflected in NDCs.

A recent policy paper jointly produced by the Bank and the NPG discusses emerging frameworks and technologies for decarbonising the oil and gas sector. It offers practical policy recommendations on how to design legal, fiscal, and regulatory frameworks to obtain lowest emissions projects. Policy makers, regulators, industry actors, environment agencies and academia across the continent will gather to discuss opportunities for Africa's petroleum sector to decarbonise, based on insights from the policy paper and case-country experience from selected producing countries.

Speakers :


Solange Tossou | Département Communication et Relations extérieures | Banque africaine de développement | Email :

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