Kenya: Duale Says He is Worth Sh851 Million

17 October 2022

Nairobi — Defense Nominee Aden Duale has revealed he is worth Sh851 million which is the net worth comprising his assets.

Duale while appearing before the National Assembly appointment committee for vetting, attributed most of his wealth to pastoralism where he keeps flocks.

"This is including the assets that I own which include the sheep, camels. I had to go and value my 231 camels somewhere in Kitui County which brings the total of Sh851 milllion," he stated.

From his assets, the former Garrisa Township MP receives Sh10 Million annually.

Duale is a well seasoned politician having first won elections in 2007 General Election in Dujis Constituency seat on an ODM ticket to soon become the first northeastern MP to be appointed assistant minister--in the Livestock ministry.

In 2013 he was appointed as the Majority Leader of the National Assembly but he was forced out in 2019 an aftermath of the fallout between former President Uhuru Kenyatta and President William Ruto who was his deputy then.

His appointment was nothing unprecedented as he was the only senior politician from the Raila Odinga-leaning northern Kenya who stood with then-Deputy President Ruto and his UDA party during the August general election.

His political friendship with the President dates back to the formation of the United Republican Party (URP), which merged with former President Uhuru Kenyatta's The National Alliance (TNA) party to form the Jubilee Coalition that won the 2013 and 2017 elections.

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